Pokémon Unite tier list

Pokémon Unite tier list September 2023

Trainers, welcome to the ever-evolving world of Pokemon Unite! As we enter September 2023, the metagame continues to shift, and new strategies emerge. To help you stay ahead of the curve, we’ve compiled an updated Pokemon Unite tier list for September 2023. Whether you’re a veteran or just starting your United journey, this tiered list will guide you in choosing. The best Pokemon to dominate the battlefield.

Pokémon Unite tier list September 2023
Understanding the Tiered List

Before we dive into the tier list, let’s clarify what it represents. In Pokémon Unite, Pokémon are ranked in the tier list based on their effectiveness and performance in battles. This list takes into account factors such as individual stats, moves, synergy with teammates, and the current state of the game.

Pokémon Unite tier list

S-Tier: God-like

  • Pokemon in S-Tier are the absolute cream of the crop.
  • They dominate battles with their incredible stats and abilities.
  • These Pokemon can almost single-handedly turn the tide of a game1.

A-Tier: Excellent

  • Pokémon in A-Tier are strong picks with a solid overall performance.
  • They can hold their own in most situations and contribute to the team’s success.

BT: Good

  • Pokemon in B-Tier are good choices that can perform well.
  • They may lack the sheer power of high-level Pokemon, but they’re still valuable assets to any team.

C-Tier: Average

  • Pokemon in C-Tier are rare and require more coordination or specific strategies to succeed.
  • While not terrible, they can struggle against stronger opponents.

D-Tier: Below average

  • Pokemon in the D-Tier have significant weaknesses that make them a less viable choice.
  • Picking these Pokemon can put your team at a disadvantage.

F-Tier: Unfavorable

  • Pokemon in F-Tier are the weakest choices, often lacking key aspects.
  • It is advised to avoid taking these Pokemon if possible.
  • Without further ado, let’s check out the September 2023 Pokemon Unite Tier List!

S Tier Pokemon


  • With exceptional speed and burst damage, Grenija is the top pick.
  • His mobility and crowd control abilities make him a formidable force.
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  • Sundress remains a reliable attacker with strong range and mobility.
  • Its unified action can turn the tide of battles, capturing key objectives.

315103681 438211841808265 4773614364050438013 n


  • Although not a traditional Pokemon, catching Zapdos alone can secure victory.
  • Coordinating Zapdos captures is a game changer.
11930875 1637399753181203 2134393189 n

A-Tier Pokémon


  • Lucario’s versatility and damage output make him a reliable choice.
  • His Unite move can devastate opponents when used strategically.
290345604 1498371440661107 4714397386118712907 n


  • Garchomp’s late-game potential is unmatched, making him a solid pick.
  • Proper form and objective control can make Garchomp a game winner.
11258493 1602383606668292 1295060862 n


  • Charizard’s AoE attack and crowd control abilities make it a strong contender.
  • It can excel both in lane and during teamfights.
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B Tier Pokemon


  • Venusaur’s AoE damage and crowd control abilities are valuable in team fights.
  • It very well may be a unique advantage when utilized successfully.
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  • Pikachu’s ranged attacks and burst damage are still in effect.
  • His concerted action can turn the tide in your favor.
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  • Mechamp excels in close combat and blocking opponents.
  • His unified move can turn battles in your team’s favor.
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C Tier Pokemon


  • Cramorant’s quirky playstyle can catch opponents off guard.
  • It requires precise timing and positioning to be effective.
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  • Talonflame’s movement is a double-edged sword, often requiring expert control.
  • It can be a valuable asset when played well, but it’s difficult to master.

D-Tear Pokemon


  • Slowbro’s lack of mobility makes him a sitting duck in fights.
  • It may struggle to make a significant impact in fast-paced games.
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  • Eldegoss’ primary role as a support Pokémon limits its offensive capabilities.
  • While it can be a strong support, it relies heavily on its team.

F Tier Pokemon

Mr. Mime

  • Mr. Mime’s kit is currently considered the weakest in the game.
  • It lacks the damage output and utility of other Pokemon.


The Pokémon Unite tier list for September 2023 provides valuable insight into the current metagame. Remember that team building, strategy and individual skills play an important role in your success. Experiment with different Pokémon and find the ones that suit your playstyle and complement your team’s overall strategy. Stay tuned for updates, as the metagame is constantly evolving, and new patches may introduce balance changes that affect the tier list. Happy fighting, trainers!

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