Catherine, Princess of Wales, in hospital after abdominal surgery

Catherine, Princess of Wales, in hospital after abdominal surgery

According to a statement from Kensington Palace, the Princess of Wales is not anticipated to resume her royal duties until after Easter.

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Princess of Wales

Following surgery, Kate Middleton is recuperating.

The Princess of Wales, who turned 42 earlier this month, had “planned abdominal surgery” at The London Clinic the day before, Kensington Palace revealed on Wednesday.

“The surgery was successful, and it is expected that she will remain in hospital for 10 to 14 days, before returning home to continue her recovery,” added the statement. “Based on the current medical advice, she is unlikely to return to public duties until after Easter.”

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“The Princess of Wales is grateful for the attention that her remarks will bring. The statement went on, “She believes that the public will appreciate her desire to keep her children’s lives as normal as possible and her need for her personal medical information to stay private. “Kensington Palace will, therefore, only provide updates on Her Royal Highness’ progress when there is significant new information to share.”

“The Princess of Wales would like to express her regret to everyone involved for having to reschedule her planned events. She want to reinstate as many as she can, as quickly as possible,” they continued.


People are aware that the problem wasn’t malignant.

Following her hospital discharge, Princess Kate is anticipated to recuperate at her Windsor home. In 2022, the Prince and Princess of Wales moved from their old residence in London to Windsor.

In order to care for their three children, Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis, as well as to assist his wife throughout her recuperation, Prince William is reportedly delaying his public obligations. Neither while Princess Kate is in the hospital nor in the early stages of her recuperation at home will he take on official responsibilities.


Princess Kate unveiled her keep going appearance on Christmas when she joined individuals from the imperial family for their yearly stroll to chapel. She strolled with Sovereign William and their three youngsters — Ruler George, 10, Princess Charlotte, 8, and Sovereign Louis, 5 — to the Congregation of St. Mary Magdalene in Norfolk.


While the Princess of Grains presently couldn’t seem to get back to regal obligation in 2024, Ruler William made his most memorable authority outing of the new year last week. At Headlingley Arena in Leeds, the imperial joined Ransack Tunnel and Kevin Sinfield, two companions who have helped fund-raise for exploration and work to battle Engine Neurone Sickness after Tunnel was determined to have MND in December 2019.

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